July 1, 2009


Just want all of you to know that my dad's prodecure today went well. I was with him before he went back and he was very peaceful knowing that he was and countines to be in God's hands. He started chemo at 4:30 today. He will have chemo for 48 hours. Countine to pray that the chemo destroys the bad cells and leaves the good ones alone. Also, that he will not have any reactions to the chemo.

Also, we met someone that worked there today by the name of George. I am just going to ask you to include him in your prayers. My mom asked him today if there was anything that he wanted us to pray about for him. He started telling us some of his life story. He has had it rough. He asked us and I am asking you to pray for wisdom for George. We would appeciate that but importantly George would be thankful to you for lifting his name up in prayer.

There is something that has been on my heart that I want to blog about at length and I will do that when I have more time. Maybe later tonight and maybe tomorrow.

Thank you all again for your prayers and countine praying. Your love and support for our family has been humbling and deeply appeciated.

May you count the blessings in your life and then thank the Giver of all things.

Thanking the Giver of all things,

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