March 30, 2009

Making and Taking in Memories

Today I am just thinking about my family and how much they mean to me. From the time I was little my parents were and still are faithful in teaching me the importance of family. I am blessed to have a family that is always there for me. We love just being together.
I don't know exactly how I am able to appeciate them so much. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that I live 4 hours away from them. Maybe it is that fact that it is something I have been taught. Maybe I am realizing how special every day is with the ones you love since I found out that my dad has cancer. Maybe the greatest of all is being thankful for what God has given me.
Maybe you are somebody that has a great family where you know you belong and are loved or maybe you have become known as the black sheep in your family. Whether you have a supportive family or not we have a God who accepts and loves us more than any family will.
I encourage you to treasure the moments you have with love ones. Life is something that is precious and short. We need to hold on to the memories we make with the people in our life. We are not promised tomorrow but we are promised this moment. I choose to live in the moment and treasure every second I get with the people I love. Will you do the same?
As for as an update on my dad goes he is doing good. He does have his days where he is tired. We had the blessing this weekend to where he felt good enough to go shopping with my mom and I. Then we went out to eat. Please countinue to keep him in your prayers. He will have another round of 48 hours of chemo on Wednesday. Pray for energy and strength for him. Also, pray that the chemo will destroy the bad cells and leave the good ones alone. Thanks again for prayers as we countinue to look to God as our comfort, strength, hope, and guide.

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