September 7, 2009

Hope Giver

Mercy is not the ability to no longer feel the pain and heartache of living in this world. Mercy is knowing that I am being held through the pain by my Father.
~ Angela Thomas
Today, I am a follower of Christ, and when the earth begins to tremble and the mountains of my heart crumble toward the sea, my soul does what it was made to do - it cries out for the One who gives comfort and rest. The pain is still intense. The surprise attacks still take my breath away. But there is a difference now. The difference is now I know the One who made my soul. Because of our dance together, because of His amazing provision and faithfulness to me, He is more than words in a book. He is my Father. He is my Provider. He is Mercy and He is Hope.
~ Angela Thomas

Just wanted to share these quotes. Something for all of us to think about and apply. I hope one of them has encouraged you. May you know that God doesn't always take the pain in our life away but promises to always hold us in and through the pain. Something that I take great comfort in and something I pray that you take and find comfort in.

As for a update on my dad, he is doing good. His platlettes are still low along with his white blood cells. Pray that they both increase. Also, another thing that you all need to be in prayer for is my dad's rib. He broke his rib. For about a week he had been telling my mom and me that his side was hurting. While he told us he did fall he did not tell us that he felt like his rib was broken. Anyway, he did tell my mom about his rib and how it felt like he broke it. So while they were at M.D. Anderson they got the docter to look at his rib and turns out it was and still is broken. While the bottom part of the rib and not the top part of the rib is broken it still hurts him. So pray that his rib will heal and that he will not be in alot of pain. Keep praying for his appetite, energy, strength, rib, and platlettes and white blood cells to increase. Thank you all so much for your prayers. They are being felt and may God always receive all the glory for what He has done and is doing in our lives.

Until next time,

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