Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned you by name; you are mine. When you pass through the waters, i will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you.
~ Isaiah 43:1-2 (NIV)
Just wanted all you to know that my dad's next chemo is Tuesday the 21st. He will have the same prodecure done as the last time. They will go in and insert the line into his liver. After the line is inserted into the liver he will have chemo for 48 hours. When he finishes the 48 hour chemo he will have a different type of chemo for 90 minutes. After this chemo they will do another scan to see if this directed chemo to the liver is working.
Just want all of you to know that we miss home so much. Especially the people back home. It's hard journey that my dad and our family is on but we know that God is, has, and will hold us through this journey.
The verse at the top of the page is a verse that has always been one of my favorites and one that has brought a lot of comfort to me during this time of my life. This verse talks about how God will be with us in the hard times of life. So often and much to my frustation it's a fact that causes a lot confusion amoung people. We like to wrap up Christianity in a box and put a nice bow on top and tell people to become a Christian and your life will be perfect and problem free. We put on smiles to cover up the pain we hold inside. We let people know us to a certain point. We try to look together so people will think that we have it all together even though we really don't have it all together. We try to show people that we are spiritual and strong by showing people we can get through anything instead of showing people we are weak and need the strength of God to get through the day. We would much rather put on our smiles and happy face mask than become real and transparent. Why? Because being real and transparent is risky and not always the safest thing. By being real and transparent we show people we are not as strong as people thought we were. We show people that we are not perfect and can't hold it all together. Here's what I'm learning though and God is showing me there is no such thing as perfect people and there is no such thing as a perfect life. So often we think we have to come to God with all the answers, all together, and our mess all cleaned up. I'm learning though that God says that we can come to Him just as we are because that is how He likes, loves, and accepts us. I encourage you to get real with God because He sees who you really are and our Creater says wonderful beautiful is my creation. This verse doesn't say if but when as in things are going to happen in life that aren't the easiest thing. That hard times are a part of life and we will experience some of type of pain if we are breathing but this verse as many verses throughout God's word assure us that in those times He will be with us and we have a Savior that promises never to leave or forsake us. I hope and pray that this brings you some encouragment. To know whatever you are going through you don't have to go through it alone because God promises to be with you every step of the way.
Being real and transparent,
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